import numpy as np
from ctypes import *
from depth.multivariate.Depth_approximation import depth_approximation
from depth.multivariate.Halfspace import halfspace
from depth.multivariate.Projection import projection
from depth.multivariate.SimplicialVolume import simplicialVolume
from depth.multivariate.Spatial import spatial
from depth.multivariate.Simplicial import simplicial
from depth.multivariate.Zonoid import zonoid
from depth.multivariate.BetaSkeleton import betaSkeleton
from depth.multivariate.L2 import L2
from depth.multivariate.Qhpeeling import qhpeeling
from depth.multivariate.Mahalanobis import mahalanobis
from depth.multivariate.Cexpchull import cexpchull
from depth.multivariate.Cexpchullstar import cexpchullstar
from depth.multivariate.Geometrical import geometrical
import sys, os, glob
import platform
from matplotlib.colors import BoundaryNorm
from matplotlib.ticker import MaxNLocator
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from depth.multivariate.import_CDLL import libExact,libApprox
[docs]def depth_mesh(data, notion = "halfspace",
freq = [100, 100],
xlim = None,
ylim = None,
mah_estimate = "moment",
mah_parMCD = 0.75,
beta = 2,
distance = "Lp",
Lp_p = 2,
exact = True,
method = "recursive",
k = 0.05,
solver = "neldermead",
NRandom = 1000,
option = 1,
n_refinements = 10,
sphcap_shrink = 0.5,
alpha_Dirichlet = 1.25,
cooling_factor = 0.95,
cap_size = 1,
start = "mean",
space = "sphere",
line_solver = "goldensection",
bound_gc = True):
# Prepare the depth-calculating arguments
xs, ys = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(xlim[0], xlim[1], freq[0]), np.linspace(ylim[0], ylim[1], freq[1]))
objects = np.c_[xs.ravel(), ys.ravel()]
# Fork for calling a depth notion
if notion == "halfspace":
zDepth = halfspace(objects, data, NRandom, exact, method, solver,
NRandom, option, n_refinements, sphcap_shrink, alpha_Dirichlet,
cooling_factor, cap_size, start, space, line_solver, bound_gc)
elif notion == "projection":
zDepth = projection(objects, data, solver, NRandom, option,
n_refinements, sphcap_shrink, alpha_Dirichlet, cooling_factor,
cap_size, start, space, line_solver, bound_gc)
elif notion == "aprojection":
zDepth = aprojection(objects, data, solver, NRandom, option,
n_refinements, sphcap_shrink, alpha_Dirichlet, cooling_factor,
cap_size, start, space, line_solver, bound_gc)
elif notion == "simplicialVolume":
zDepth = simplicialVolume(objects, data, exact, k, mah_estimate,
elif notion == "spatial":
zDepth = spatial(objects, data, mah_estimate, mah_parMCD)
elif notion == "simplicial":
zDepth = simplicial(objects, data, exact, k)
elif notion == "zonoid":
zDepth = zonoid(objects, data, 0, exact, solver, NRandom, option,
n_refinements, sphcap_shrink, alpha_Dirichlet, cooling_factor,
cap_size, start, space, line_solver, bound_gc)
elif notion == "betaSkeleton":
zDepth = betaSkeleton(objects, data, beta, distance, Lp_p,
mah_estimate, mah_parMCD)
elif notion == "L2":
zDepth = L2(objects, data, mah_estimate, mah_parMCD)
elif notion == "qhpeeling":
zDepth = qhpeeling(objects, data)
elif notion == "mahalanobis":
zDepth = mahalanobis(objects, data, mah_estimate, mah_parMCD)
elif notion == "cexpchullstar":
zDepth = cexpchullstar(objects, data, solver, NRandom, option,
n_refinements, sphcap_shrink, alpha_Dirichlet, cooling_factor,
cap_size, start, space, line_solver, bound_gc)
elif notion == "cexpchull":
zDepth = cexpchull(objects, data, solver, NRandom, option,
n_refinements, sphcap_shrink, alpha_Dirichlet, cooling_factor,
cap_size, start, space, line_solver, bound_gc)
elif notion == "geometrical":
zDepth = geometrical(objects, data, solver, NRandom, option,
n_refinements, sphcap_shrink, alpha_Dirichlet, cooling_factor,
cap_size, start, space, line_solver, bound_gc)
# Shape the grid
depth_grid = zDepth.reshape(xs.shape)
return xs, ys, depth_grid
[docs]def depth_plot2d(data, notion = "halfspace",
freq = [100, 100],
xlim = None,
ylim = None,
cmap = "YlOrRd",
ret_depth_mesh = False,
xs = None,
ys = None,
val_mesh = None,
mah_estimate = "moment",
mah_parMCD = 0.75,
beta = 2,
distance = "Lp",
Lp_p = 2,
exact = True,
method = "recursive",
k = 0.05,
solver = "neldermead",
NRandom = 1000,
option = 1,
n_refinements = 10,
sphcap_shrink = 0.5,
alpha_Dirichlet = 1.25,
cooling_factor = 0.95,
cap_size = 1,
start = "mean",
space = "sphere",
line_solver = "goldensection",
bound_gc = True):
if xs is None or ys is None or val_mesh is None:
# Verify the plot's limits
if xlim is None:
x_span = max(data[:,0]) - min(data[:,0])
cur_xlim = [min(data[:,0]) - x_span * 0.1, max(data[:,0]) + x_span * 0.1]
cur_xlim = xlim
if ylim is None:
y_span = max(data[:,1]) - min(data[:,1])
cur_ylim = [min(data[:,1]) - y_span * 0.1, max(data[:,1] + y_span * 0.1)]
cur_ylim = ylim
# Caclulate the depth mesh
cur_xs, cur_ys, zDepth = depth_mesh(data, notion, freq, cur_xlim,
cur_ylim, mah_estimate, mah_parMCD, beta, distance, Lp_p, exact,
method, k, solver, NRandom, option, n_refinements, sphcap_shrink,
alpha_Dirichlet, cooling_factor, cap_size, start, space,
line_solver, bound_gc)
# Shape the grid
depth_grid = zDepth.reshape(cur_xs.shape)
cur_xs, cur_ys, depth_grid = xs, ys, depth_mesh
# Introduce colors
levels = MaxNLocator(nbins = 100).tick_values(0, 1)
if isinstance(cmap, str):
col_map = plt.get_cmap(cmap)
col_map = cmap
norm = BoundaryNorm(levels, ncolors = col_map.N, clip = True)
# Plot the color mesh
depth_mesh_cut = np.copy(depth_grid)
depth_mesh_cut[depth_mesh_cut == 0] = float('nan') # white color for zero depth
depth_mesh_cut = depth_mesh_cut[:-1,:-1]
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
im = ax.pcolormesh(cur_xs, cur_ys, depth_mesh_cut, cmap = col_map, norm = norm)
# Return selected values depending on arguments
if ret_depth_mesh:
return fig, ax, im, cur_xs, cur_ys, depth_grid
return fig, ax, im
Computes data depth values for a bi-variate mesh of points w.r.t. a multivariate data set.
Matrix of data where each row contains a d-variate point, w.r.t. which the depth
is to be calculated.
- ``'aprojection'`` for asymmetric projection depth;
- ``'betaSkeleton'`` for beta-skeleton depth (including lens and spherical depth);
- ``'cexpchull'`` for continuous expected convex hull depth;
- ``'cexpchullstar'`` for continuous modified expected convex hull depth;
- ``'geometrical'`` for geometrical depth;
- ``'halfspace'`` for the halfspace depth;
- ``'L2'`` for L2-depth;
- ``'mahalanobis'`` for Mahalanobis depth;
- ``'projection'`` for projection depth;
- ``'qhpeeling'`` for convex hull peeling (or onion) depth;
- ``'simplicial'`` for simplicial depth;
- ``'simplicialVolume'`` for simplicial volume (or Oja) depth;
- ``'spatial'`` for spatial depth;
- ``'zonoid'`` for zonoid depth.
Frequency in abscisse and ordinate.
Range of values for abscisse.
Range of values for ordinate.
mah_estimate, ...
Depth-dependent parameters (see the corresponding depth functions), which shall be forwarded to the depth-computing routines.
Plots the surface of data depth values for a bi-variate mesh of points w.r.t. a multivariate data set.
Matrix of data where each row contains a d-variate point, w.r.t. which the depth
is to be calculated.
- ``'aprojection'`` for asymmetric projection depth;
- ``'betaSkeleton'`` for beta-skeleton depth (including lens and spherical depth);
- ``'cexpchull'`` for continuous expected convex hull depth;
- ``'cexpchullstar'`` for continuous modified expected convex hull depth;
- ``'geometrical'`` for geometrical depth;
- ``'halfspace'`` for the halfspace depth;
- ``'L2'`` for L2-depth;
- ``'mahalanobis'`` for Mahalanobis depth;
- ``'projection'`` for projection depth;
- ``'qhpeeling'`` for convex hull peeling (or onion) depth;
- ``'simplicial'`` for simplicial depth;
- ``'simplicialVolume'`` for simplicial volume (or Oja) depth;
- ``'spatial'`` for spatial depth;
- ``'zonoid'`` for zonoid depth.
Frequency in abscisse and ordinate.
Range of values for abscisse.
Range of values for ordinate.
Color map.
Should the depth mesh be returned?
mah_estimate, ...
Depth-dependent parameters (see the corresponding depth functions), which shall be forwarded to the depth-computing routines.