Simplicial volume depth#

simplicialVolume(x, data, exact=True, k=0.05, mah_estimate='moment', mah_parMCD=0.75, seed=0)[source]#

Calculates the simpicial volume depth of points w.r.t. a multivariate data set.


Matrix of objects (numerical vector as one object) whose depth is to be calculated; each row contains a d-variate point. Should have the same dimension as data.


Matrix of data where each row contains a d-variate point, w.r.t. which the depth is to be calculated.


exact=True (by default) implies the exact algorithm, exact=False implies the approximative algorithm, considering k simplices.

Number (k > 1) or portion (if 0 < k < 1) of simplices that are considered if exact = F.
If k > 1, then the algorithmic complexity is polynomial in d but is independent of the number of observations in data, given k.
If 0 < k < 1, then the algorithmic complexity is exponential in the number of observations in data, but the calculation precision stays approximately the same.

A character string specifying affine-invariance adjustment; can be 'none', 'moment' or 'MCD', determining whether no affine-invariance adjustemt or moment or Minimum Covariance Determinant (MCD) estimates of the covariance are used. By default 'moment' is used.


The value of the argument alpha for the function covMcd is used when, mah.estimate='MCD'.


The random seed. The default value seed=0 makes no changes.

  • Oja, H. (1983). Descriptive statistics for multivariate distributions. Statistics and Probability Letters, 1, 327–332.

>>> import numpy as np
>>> from depth.multivariate import *
>>> mat1=[[1, 0, 0],[0, 2, 0],[0, 0, 1]]
>>> mat2=[[1, 0, 0],[0, 1, 0],[0, 0, 1]]
>>> x = np.random.multivariate_normal([1,1,1], mat2, 10)
>>> data = np.random.multivariate_normal([0,0,0], mat1, 20)
>>> simplicalVolume(x, data, exact=True)
[0.45749049 0.34956166 0.2263421  0.68742137 0.94796538 0.51112415
 0.85250931 0.67914988 0.79165292 0.33192247]
>>> simplicalVolume(x, data, exact=False, k=0.2)
[0.46826813 0.40138917 0.23189724 0.69025277 0.938543   0.56005713
 0.8113647  0.72220103 0.82036139 0.33908597]